Local and Online Membership
At Baruch HaShem Assembly we offer two types of membership for individuals and families: Local and Online. Local Membership is available to those who live in Del Rio, TX and the surrounding areas. Online Membership is available to those who are unable to attend in-person, live out of the local area or the state of Texas. It is also available to those who live outside the Continental United States.
Local Membership Includes:
Attendance of weekly Shabbat services
Attendance and participation in the Feasts of Adonai
Fellowship with other members of the congregation
In-person meetings and/or counseling with the Rabbis and leaders
In-person monthly meetings with the Men's and Women's Groups
Participation in prayer, giving and ministerial opportunities like, the Torah Service, Davidic Dance and Music
Online Membership Includes:
Online weekly Shabbat Service attendance via our Website, YouTube and Facebook
Online attendance of the Feasts of Adonai (Members Page)
Monthly Zoom meetings with the Senior Rabbi for discussion and/or prayer
Online prayer support
Online participation in giving tithes and offerings
Access to Members Page
Become a Member
Please fill out the form below if you would like to become a local or virtual member of Baruch HaShem Assembly. Please see, "What We Believe" and mark the box, "Agree With Statement of Faith" before submitting the Membership Form. Once your form is submitted, it will be received by our leadership. You will then be contacted by one the Rabbis to discuss your membership. May Adonai bless you and keep you.